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Click the Donate button to go to the online form. Your donation is made through the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York. You will receive an email confirmation of your gift, and the Diocese will forward your gift and contact information to our parish for acknowledgment.


When filling out the donation form:

  • In the Parish section, select “Hamilton: St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church”

  • In the “Gift note/designation” line, be sure to type pledge, deficit appeal, or wherever you’d like your donation to apply.

Altar flowers

Every Sunday we brighten up the church with floral arrangements designed and cared for by volunteers.

Music Program

Our music program is a particular point of pride with a talented organist, dedicated choir, and musical guests throughout the year.

Stained Glass

The building itself provides a peaceful sanctuary, and we provide for nearly everything from stained glass windows to a prayer light left on for visitors at any time of day or night.

Liturgy Resources

Hymnals, Prayer Books, and other Episcopal resources define our liturgy and shape our prayer life.


Volunteers make clergy vestments and altar hangings with their immeasurable talents.


We may have old-fashioned services, but the building is chock-full of technology with a hearing loop, robust sound system, and online streaming.

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